Sometimes in life, and in particular off-road trucks, less can be more. It was the less is more approach that led us to design and build the new 2010-14 Gen 1 Ford Raptor V3 Baja Series Rear Bumper. The main goal of the V3 is to keep it as simple as the V2 but have it wrap around the bedsides for added protection. This minimalist theory allowed us to create a bumper/trailer hitch receiver into one seamless design that dramatically increases departure angle when coupled with a proper dovetail of the rear bed. Integrated into the bumpers 1.75" .120 wall tubing is a small step for easy bed access with dimples to increase both the look and functionality of the bumper. The lines flow perfectly with our Baja Series front bumper keeping the entire truck in uniform.
There are many options when it comes to picking the right bumper for you. But if your looking for a bumper that has clean lines with no extra fuss, then look no further, you will absolutely love the way the V3 transforms the rear of your truck from stock to race in the matter of mere minutes.
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